



Already know how to use the primitive shapes and make simple animations? Let’s learn how to read data using JSON which is quick way to grab data from a server. Using this data we can create many different simple applications such as Information cards, advice/joke generators, interactive data, quizzes and more. This workshop will share samples, a list of simple public apis to use and how to get started on your own.

DOM stands for Document Object Model and is a programming interface used to create objects on your webpage. This means that students can add buttons, input boxes, checkboxes, and more to create web apps. In this workshop, we will explore the DOM library in P5JS by making a mini quiz and viewing other examples of fun activities you can use in your classroom! Join in the fun and learn something new to add to your lessons. P5JS has become a great programming language to teach students how to code with visual output but still maintain the use of CS concepts. Mixed with its own functions and Javascript, I’ve used P5JS in my 9th-grade classroom to teach students how to make interactive art or simple games. This workshop will present how to use P5JS in your classroom with a live demo building a project and turning it into a lesson using CodeHS. Don’t miss out on this creative, fun, and interactive workshop! The CodeHS sandbox is a great place to let students unleash their creativity. By default, sandbox exercises are spaces where students can make various things with no automatic feedback. In this workshop, we will learn how to add our own autograders to give our students quicker feedback about their code. We will cover the autograder documentation for Python and HTML/Javascript, examples of using the autograder commands, and present a live demonstration of making a few creative coding assignments with autograding. Autograding techniques provide various fun feedback possibilities; you do not want to miss out on this interactive workshop! There are many tools and resources available in CodeHS, let’s put it all together to create and build your own course content! In this workshop, we will dive into course and unit design using CodeHS’s latest course builder tools. Concepts include unit design strategies, a review and example of course builder tools, and time for you to start creating your own unit. Join CodeHS Teacher Trainer Portia Morrell to learn more about personalizing your lesson plans using CodeHS! Race: The Power of an Illusion Nice White Parents Podcast Series Cultural Competence Now BELE Network Colin in Black & White Discussion Questions The Hate You Give (Movie) Discussion Questions Green Book Lesson Plan for Middle & High School Green Book Lesson Plan for Elementary School Where is the Bridge? Session 1 Where is the Bridge? Session 2 Where is the Bridge? Session 3 Where is the Bridge? Session 4

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